Get me outta here!

Rabu, 19 November 2014


Etymologically sense diode comes from two words DI (two) and ODA (electrode), which means the two electrodes. Literally sense diode is an electronic component that has two electrodes which are called anode electrode positive polarity and electrode negative polarity called Kathoda. Diode function is closely related to the current control system voltage.

Various types of diodes made according to function, but it does not leave the diode function characteristics and specifications, such as a diode rectifier (rectifier), light emission diode (LED), Zenner diode and diode varactor.
  • Rectifier diode (rectifier) serves as a rectifier voltage / current from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) or convert AC current into DC. This type of diodes made of silicon.
  • Light emitting diode (LED) is a Solid State Lamp which is a combination of electronic devices with optical electronics, so classified in the family "Optoelectronic". There are three general functions of the use of LEDs, namely: as indicator lamps, for the transmission of modulated light signals within a certain distance, and a coupling circuit which isolated in total.
  • Zener diode is a diode junction P and N are made of silicon base material. This diode is also known as Regulation Voltage Diode working in the area of reverse (quadrant III). The function of this component is usually used for securing the circuit after the Zener voltage.
  • Diode varactor diode is also known as its capacity has the capacity of changing if given voltage. These diodes work in areas like Zener diode reverse. If the voltage is the voltage goes up, the capacity will drop. Varikap diodes are widely used in radio and television receivers in the sound settings (Audio).


source : 

Selasa, 11 November 2014

Sinopsis of the league of extraordinary gentelmen

The league of extraordinary gentelmen is a film that categoryzed action, comedy and scy-fi. This film is produced by Don Murphy and Trevor Albert. This film released on 2003 The duration of this film is 1 hour 50 minutes. The stars are Allan Quatermain (Sean Connery), Mina Harker(Peta Wilson), Rodney Skinner (Tony Curran), Dorian Gray (Stuart Townsend), Dr Jekyll/MrHyde (Jason Flemyng), and Captain Nemo (Naseeruddin Shah).

The film started with a panical of police, because a iron transport appers and destroy everything in front of it. behind that a terorist with mask be the leader, he's called Phantom. After that british very panic, and to solve the problem english send sanderson reed to recruit people that have special ability,  the first scene in kenya there is quatermain that have special ability of shooting. then second scene in london, in there quatermain meets the person who commanding seen to recruit him, the name is Mr M. Quatermain also meets with other members there are captain nemo, skinner the invisible man and mina the dracula. still in london the exactly in east london docks, here Mr M commanding to recruit Dorian he have ability imortal. In the house of dorian Phantom appers and attacking Extraordinary group. with helpful of Tom Sawyer they could defeat Phantom althought phantom can fleed. Tom Sawyer is a secret agen of america. he is ask to join the team and Quatermain aprove him. The third Scene is Paris here Extraordinary group recruitmen the last member. he is Dr Jekyll/MrHyde that have two personality, because result of his experiment.
After all of members had been recruitmen. The extraordinary group start the missions, the first is to prevent phantom explode the venice italy. 
In venice, Italy, when they come sometimes later a most of building of venice are explodes. And then the extraordinary group fight againt with phantom and his soldier. Here showed who are the phantom and the traitor between the extraordinary group.
After that they going to the lake of mongol where phantom are make a hiden place. here the extraordinary group must fight againt for the last with phantom.
The last scene is in grave of quatermain, in the last showed that a strange african appers and make a miracle. The grave of quatermain suddenly quake and it make a proof that quatermain is life again.

I think this film had good visualitation in that time. I doesn't like with this film is just the age of this film, that make this film is really strange.

1. Who is the person that try to convice Allan Quatermain in kenya?
2. Who are the members of thar extraordinary group? Explain their speciality!
3. Describe the Protagonist Characters and Antagonist Characters!

1. He is Sanderson Reed
2. Allain Quatermain (Gunman), Mina Harker(dracula), Rodney Skinner (Invisibleman), Dorian Gray (Imortalman), Dr Jekyll/MrHyde (Jason Flemyng), and Captain Nemo (Jenius).
3. The Protagonis are Allan Quatermain, Mina Harker, Rodney Skinner, Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde and Captain Nemo
The antogonist are Dorian Gray and Phantom

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014


I would tell you one word that have many meaning, that word is "shape", in this time i will tell you 10 example from braches of that word, that is 

a. Form
ex: That mask has unique form

b. Figure
ex: The figure of that man is fat

c. Outline
ex: That face drawed with thick outline

d. Profile
ex: Your profile looks red. are you shy?

e. Contour
ex: Hill hasn't flat contour

f. Character
ex: That princes have double character

g. Nature
ex: The picture looks very nature

h. Identity
ex: one identity of elephant is big

i. Structure
ex: This soil has hard structure

j. Model
ex: He showing a mini model of a jet plane

Rabu, 24 September 2014


2G ( or 2-G) is short from second generation tecnology of mobile phone. this technology mobile phone comes to changed first mobile tecnology, 1G is using analog system likes AMPS(Advance Mobile Phone System). This generation using mechanism Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) in communication technique.
2G is mobile network telecommunication that shared with commercial on standart GSM network in Finland by Radiolinja(now is part from Elisa) on 1991. Different with 1G, 2G using digital system.